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What to take out of your resume and what to put in

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What you leave out of your resume may be as important as what you put in. Executive coach Irina Cozma suggests you steer clear of:
Something else to shed, according to recruiting specialist John Sullivan, is the belief that a resume must be contained to one page. As screening by artificial intelligence becomes widespread, what counts is getting information into the resume that will satisfy the bots, which don’t obsess over pages.
But after the bots comes human beings and you must sparkle for them. Over the years he has asked recruiters to identify the memorable elements that make an individual resume initially stand out and then be remembered days later. Here are some of the resume power factors he shared on his blog:
Resumes are your marketing message for a job. Use them wisely.
Harvey Schachter is a Kingston-based writer specializing in management issues. He, along with Sheelagh Whittaker, former CEO of both EDS Canada and Cancom, are the authors of When Harvey Didn’t Meet Sheelagh: Emails on Leadership.
